Sub Council - Media, Data & Tech

In this month’s meeting, the Media, Data & Tech sub council explore the world of CX and UX trends and how we can go from personalisation to individualisation and focus more on the customer journey when working in-house. Satya Upadhyaya, Vice President - Campaign Optimisation, Marketing Capability & Change at Citibank presents his current keynote to the group and gives some great insights. Chris Maxwell also joins the discussion this meeting to cover future possibilities for the group’s members in terms of procurement and how IHAC member’s in-house agencies can come together to get better deals on media buy ins and create better buying power for everyone. The group agrees that although there are definitely barriers in terms of legal and procurement department approvals as well as data that can’t be shared by all, that the idea could lead to some great outcomes for each other’s agencies and even a whitepaper document through IHAC (Watch this space!). Finally, the group also covers discussion topics for next month’s meeting, as the new privacy act overhaul comes in which greatly restricts how marketers can collect customer data, the question for this sub council is “How does this affect martech specifically”. With many agencies relying on martech to gather their consumer data, what are some ways that marketers can adapt to these new laws, this topic will be covered in next month’s meeting so if you’re interested in being a part of the conversation, make sure you get in contact with us and let us know.


0:00 Intros to new members

5:45 Satya Upahyaya Keynote - Personalisation to Individualisation

27:35 Group Discussion - Personalisation to Individualisation

35:32 New capabilities for the Sub Council

53:59 Next months topics of discussion - Data Privacy