Our specialist groups
As part of your IHAC Membership, you have the privilege of being able to join one of our five specialist groups. Once a quarter we run virtual discussion group sessions focused on a different topic across 5 streams. These sessions are a lively exchange of ideas among peers, all guided by experts from leading in-house agencies.
Creative & strategy
Core themes for 2023:
Partnering and working with externals
Recruiting & retaining creative talent
Creative Inspiration
Sharing ways of working
Creative collaboration
Workshopping strategic problems/creative briefs
Benchmarking KPIs
Showcasing great creative
Building a creative culture
Data and technology
Core themes for 2023:
Martech Stack
Media Buying
Data Modelling
Data Analytics and Tech Talent
Marketing Measurement
Sharing tech and Architecture Roadmaps
Industry & Regulatory Changes & Best practices
Media Measurement Tools and Solutions
Core themes for 2023:
Expanding in house capabilities
Benchmarking for best practice
Building your freelance network
Producing content in house using smart tools
Smart editing for social, video, audio to enhance content
Using drones photography for advertising
How best to set up an in-house studio
Build your freelance network
Operations (including project management & account management)
Core themes for 2023:
Collaboration with agency partners
The in-house agencies business model
Creating integrated marketing teams
Integrating your marketing and creative team
Best in Class workflow technology
Operational models
Best in class creative tools for your in house agency
Core themes for 2023:
In-house media management models
Sharing case studies and best practices for success
Measuring the effectiveness of new and emerging media